Monday, August 16, 2010

Act 1 and Seeing the Wall

So I haven't hit the writers block wall yet but I can see it coming. I'm on that road we call writing and up ahead on the writer's gps is a traffic block, a section of the road where my vehicle of story will be stuck. I can see it coming yet I haven't planned an alternate route.

Is it strange to suddenly have an awesome focus on my progress with my senior project script? Or am I just getting excited about one thing to avoid another? I think I just asked the same question twice when I already know the answer. Obviously.

Anyway, 25 pages are done and the story has slowed down. The genre is uncertain (on the page, but not in my mind) and I feel the music O listen to while writing it has had a large effect on it's meaning and tone. If these things are true then should I be in control, or am I just choosing not too. I just finished principal photography on a short film we're making for my junior-class project. I'm excited to see where they take the footage in the post stages but not looking forward to seeing my own mistakes.

I don't have the drive or the passion to put 110% into my feature length script, but I really want to make it a good one. Screenwriting to me is as important as film making.  I'm not showing a hundred pages at the senior show, though, but only 15 minutes or so. Is my mind ready to handle a 90-minute story? Should I be reading Shakespeare or the Old Testament to fully understand the limited combinations of story and how I can adapt one with my own unique twist? Probably. My drive for this script will come soon but I fear as I grow closer to senior project, my motivation will diminish.

Good writing is all about rewriting. I took this class to challenge my abilities with staying on top of my work and next term will prove that. To grow as a screenwriter and to become a greater story teller is important to me. I see the wall however and I don't look forward to climbing over it. Plus rewriting is gonna be tedious, I can't wait. Screenwriters have got to be crazy to want to do all this work, but really is there any other choice? I guess it's just something i'll have to do.

1 comment:

  1. Stay focused. Keep writing. You have a story. If you are already projecting a wall and a diminished passion, then you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy. If you don't feel the passion for this project then change it to make it something you are passionate about. Don't just sit back and wait for the bottom to fall out.
